Risk-Managed Fund Dynamically Adjusts Global Asset Allocations

If markets are in a “business as usual” mode, Blueprint Adaptive Growth Allocation Fund (BLUIX) exposures will look similar to other global investment portfolios.

But, when unique market conditions arise, the systematic investing process automatically adjusts asset allocations.

An All-Weather Portfolio

Here’s what this dynamic process can look like during four common market environments:

Teal legend icon
Global Equities

Light teal legend icon
Fixed Income

Grey legend icon
Inflation Hedge

Light yellow legend icon

Pie chart illustrating Blueprint positioning during a usual market environment

Usual Market: Stocks Rising & Volatility Low

Looks like a traditional growth model, with heavy exposure to global equities

Pie chart illustrating Blueprint positioning during an inflationary environment

Inflationary/Rising Rate Environment

Greater emphasis on inflation hedges and alternatives

Pie chart illustrating Blueprint positioning when equities are falling and volatility is increasing

Equities Falling & Volatility Increasing

Significant exposure to domestic and international Treasury bonds, as well as alternatives

Pie chart illustrating Blueprint positioning when equities and bonds are falling

Equities & Bonds Falling

Focused in short-duration fixed income and cash equivalent instruments, as well as alternatives

This adaptive approach helps financial advisors manage risk regardless of the market environment.

5 Primary Attributes Blueprint Adaptive Growth Allocation Fund

Global Asset Allocation

Portfolio diversification across eight major global asset classes in a single investment vehicle

Rules-Based Process Optimized for Behavioral Finance

Systematic investing process answers questions about what, when, and how much to buy and sell – repeatable rules that maintain discipline during prolonged market volatility because we want to leave no room for emotional decision-making amidst euphoria or fear

Dynamic Adjustments in Response to Market Changes

Asset allocation naturally adapts to market conditions – portfolio can look quite different depending on the environment (e.g., when there are uptrends/downtrends in an asset class, interest rates change, volatility arises, or inflation/deflation occurs)

Focus on Managing Downside Risk

Constructed to manage risk during bear markets and severe drawdowns (like 2022 and the Coronacrash of March 2020), but doesn’t need to go completely “risk off” amidst less significant pullbacks (those that may affect only select asset classes, not the whole financial system)

Ongoing Tax-Loss Harvesting

Tax-friendly portfolio is possible by using a blend of timeframes – this time diversification allows losing positions to be sold quickly, but gains can be held as long as uptrends persist

Let's Talk

Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about BLUIX

Replicates Blueprint’s Flagship Separately Managed Account

BLUIX imitates the Blueprint Tactical Growth Strategy, the flagship SMA for Blueprint Investment Partners since January 2013.

Blueprint Investment Partners claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has been independently verified for the period of January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2021.

Let's Talk

If you’d like to learn more about BLUIX, a risk-managed, global asset allocation fund