Jon Robinson, Blueprint Investment Partners CEO & Co-Founder
A Systematic Walk
Down Wall Street

Jon Robinson

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Trend Following: An Exit on the Highway to the Danger Zone

Trend Following: An Exit on the Highway to the Danger Zone

A financial media headline with the word “trend” usually jumps off the page at you when you’re an asset manager, like Blueprint Investment Partners, that attempts to generate alpha through trend following. This happened to me earlier this year when I saw this one: “Why trends are so intoxicating for investors – and dangerous.” I clicked faster than Australian breakdancer Raygun can ignite an Olympics debate (and win the meme competition).

I was quickly relieved to learn that this was not a fabricated hit piece on the practice of trend following. Rather, the article by Julie Hyman was designed to highlight the opportunities and challenges that exist when investors attempt to profitably invest in the securities of new products and services taking the mainstream by storm – think Roblox, Beyond Meat, or Airbnb.

Not only was I relieved, but I was also excited for the chance to connect how this endeavor can be aided by a systematic investment process utilizing trend following.

Trend Following: An Exit on the Highway to the Danger Zone

Category: Systematic Investing
Two fighter jets flying together

Trend Following: An Exit on the Highway to the Danger Zone

Hands passing a seedling to the next person

Webinar Highlights: Building An Elite Culture For Your Wealth Practice

Highlights from our webinar featuring Eric Downing, who discussed how to build an elite culture within wealth management practices.
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Radical Transparency is Good for Business

Radical transparency is something that 10 years ago was uncommon in financial services but today seems to be accepted as good for business – regardless of whether you’re an asset manager or a financial advisor.
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But The Market Always Comes Back…Right?

We believe an asset management philosophy that assumes the market will always come back is like putting it all the chips on black in a game of roulette.

Archive Blogs by Jon Robinson