Famous Strawmen: The Scarecrow & The Best 10 Days Rule
My mother has always been a big fan of Victor Fleming’s “The Wizard of Oz.” When I was a kid, it would be on TV at least once a year, and mom always made a point to watch it. I usually joined her…up until the part where the witch and her creepy troop of flying monkeys showed up. From there I would typically escape somewhere to avoid them, until they returned later that night to rule in my nightmares…
The characters are all memorable due to some of the basic themes they represent, but my favorite is Scarecrow. He values a brain over anything else and, in an ironic twist, he turns out to be the wisest of the group.
A recent running of the classic, combined with the collective enjoyment our team at Blueprint Investment Partners feels when slaying investment industry sacred cows, has me thinking about another famous strawman: the best 10 days rule.