Stocks on Sale Or About to Go ‘On Final Clearance’?
During market drawdowns, you often hear financial services media types talking about stocks being on sale. This phrase has always irked me. I think it’s completely imprecise and utterly useless. Clichés may help sell airtime, but in my opinion they get you nowhere toward designing or implementing a comprehensive investment process. Instead of leaning on…
Read MoreDissecting the 3 Stages Of a Bear Market
In a blog last week, I discussed how the virtually uninterrupted bull market in equities during the last 10+ years has watered down the idea of “downside protection.” This is a problem, especially since not all declines are created equal. It has become apparent to the team at Blueprint Investment Partners that a more nuanced…
Read MoreIngredients Matter: In Baking & Investing
Vanilla is a fascinating ingredient. It is one of the most popular flavors worldwide and is incredibly common in baked goods. The process of creating vanilla flavoring is time-consuming and labor-intensive, which is why in its purest form it is also one of the most expensive spices in the world. Vanilla’s widespread use and high…
Read MoreA Tax Dilemma: How Capital Gains Can Hold Financial Advisors Hostage
While a series of profitable years is wonderful, we all know the ride comes to an end at some point. When that happens, financial advisors seeking to manage or reduce clients’ risk level can be held hostage to the gains that have built up in taxable accounts. As advisors add new clients/accounts and plan for…
Read MoreMoneyball, Trend Following & Left-Handed Batting
We are big fans of Moneyball and share the mindset of using data to make more rational decisions. We also enjoy using lateral thinking to translate, in relatable terms, our investment process and thinking around risk management. Sports provide us with a particularly fertile environment to do that. Of all major U.S. sports, I think…
Read MoreThe Best Strategies For Inflationary Times
As parents (myself included) apprehensively sent their kids back into the classroom for another pandemic-influenced school year, it put me in the mood to chip away at my own reading list, a collection of research papers that had accumulated in the “to read” folder on my desktop. Now, before you condemn me to the nerd-set,…
Read MoreHow Do Financial Advisors Invest During Irrational Exuberance?
I love the beach, but I am not a huge fan of the ocean. Maybe I’m alone here, but after watching “Jaws,” National Geographic programming, Shark Week on Discovery, and “Sharknado” 1-6, I just cannot shake that uneasy feeling when I’m venturing into the surf. Even when I’ve had the privilege of swimming or snorkeling…
Read MoreThe Line Between Chasing Winners And Catching a Falling Knife
A few weeks ago, my family spent a week at the beach. There’s this arcade on the boardwalk. I’m sure you know the kind: Drop a $20 in the change machine, hope your 8-year-old can keep the Skee-Ball in her own lane, and then trade your tickets for some plastic toy that inevitably will provoke…
Read MoreWhat ‘Tommy Boy’ Teaches Us About Guarantees
What are your re-watchable movies? For me, it’s several cult classics from the mid-90s. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen them, if I happen to catch them when flipping through the channels, I’m going to stop. Unfortunately, I usually end up only watching briefly until my wife rolls her eyes and asks, “Again…really?”…
Read MoreAnyone Want to Acknowledge The Bear In the Bond Market?
In a time when seemingly all assets are “melting up,” allow me to invoke one of my favorite Saturday Night Live characters, Debbie Downer, and provide a less-than-rosy dose of reality: U.S. government bonds, which have a “market cap” that’s equivalent to 2x the U.S. stock market, have all entered a bear market. If you…
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