Trend Following: An Exit on the Highway to the Danger Zone
A financial media headline with the word “trend” usually jumps off the page at you when you’re an asset manager, like Blueprint Investment Partners, that attempts to generate alpha through trend following. This happened to me earlier this year when I saw this one: “Why trends are so intoxicating for investors – and dangerous.” I clicked…
Read MoreWebinar Highlights: Building An Elite Culture For Your Wealth Practice
Many people within financial services like to think this industry is unique. Like on a faraway island, you-just-could-not-possibly-understand-us kind of unique. In my opinion, thinking like this helps explain why we see so much insular recruiting of talent, bespoke tech stack building, and overly complex investment models. While there certainly are unique attributes about our…
Read MoreRadical Transparency is Good for Business
Celebrating Blueprint Investment Partners’ 10-year milestone late last year gave me an opportunity to reflect on two conflicting realities: One of the areas I reflected on was the topic of radical transparency, something that 10 years ago was uncommon in financial services but today seems to be accepted as good for business – regardless of…
Read MoreBut The Market Always Comes Back…Right?
A common argument used against tactical asset management in favor of more passive approaches is that the market always comes back. We applaud the optimism. However, we believe building an investment portfolio that assumes the market will always come back is like putting all the chips on black in a game of roulette. It’s also…
Read MoreTrend & Value Walk Into a Bar…
“Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.” Richard Feynman One of the most common questions we hear about our systematic investing philosophy is the comparison of trend following to value investing. We welcome these questions. As trend…
Read MoreWebinar Highlights: The Next Generation of Liquid Alts
As the head of Blueprint Investment Partners, I had a unique opportunity to moderate a virtual panel discussion with three of the biggest names in the liquid alternatives space last month: Bob Elliott, Corey Hoffstein, and Jerry Parker. I was energized by what I saw and heard, as well as inspired to share some video…
Read MoreTilting the Index In Your Favor
“Good Ideas Can’t Be Scheduled” is the title of a 2019 blog post by Morgan Housel of Collaborative Fund. His point was that deadlines shouldn’t be placed on good ideas, regardless of field, but the execution of good ideas is the opposite. One of Blueprint Investment Partners’ best “good ideas” presented itself just like that…
Read MoreWhat Does A Next-Generation Liquid Alt Look Like?
As a kid who played whatever sport was in season, when the weather didn’t cooperate, I brought that passion inside to the latest sports video game. It was routine for me to battle my friends in games such as Madden NFL, NBA 2K, MLB The Show, and FIFA. Even the NHL made an appearance from…
Read MoreDid Your Retirement Bucket Spring a Leak in 2022?
Not 2008, not the early 1980s, but 2022 was the worst year for bonds on record, according to an analysis by investment historian Edward McQuarrie. That’s more than a headline for financial advisors who have relied on fixed income as the less-volatile portion of their 70/30 or 60/40 portfolios – especially for their retirement-age clients.…
Read MoreCan Retirement Income Be Modernized? A Guide for Financial Advisors.
Just one of these scenarios likely would be enough to cause concern for an investor: Yet in 2022, we’re facing all three at once. It’s a potentially catastrophic combination, especially for investors nearing or in the early years of retirement. In my opinion, this is a “perfect storm” (yes, I know that’s a super cliché…
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