Investments that are Good on Paper, Bad in Practice
Don’t ask me why I know this, but there’s an episode of “Sex and the City” when the women discuss dating people who “look good on paper.” They explain that a “good on paper guy” is someone who offers great credentials, good manners, and financial stability. He seems like a great match – but only…
Read MoreWhy Predictions are More Dangerous
I was always terrible at those “guess how many tootsie rolls are in the jar” games as a kid. My complete lack of skill never deterred me from participating though. I mean, what kid was going to pass up the opportunity for a windfall like that?! Plus, it was just a guess. None of my…
Read MoreThe Investing Equivalent Of Parachute Pants
If you search deep in the nooks and crannies of your memory, you probably can recall one specific fashion choice you made in your younger days that you now look back on with absolute shame. You may have destroyed the pictures – I know I did, and thank goodness this was before the digital age!…
Read MoreMarket Predictions Are (Still) Trash
Since Blueprint Investment Partners is an asset manager, financial services dogma says that right now I’m supposed to tell you where the S&P will close in 2022, which asset class will be the top performer, and where Treasuries are headed. Instead, for two good reasons I’m going to highlight some laughable predictions made by market…
Read MoreWho Needs a Financial Advisor When Markets Only Go Up?
Like many others, I’m drawn to “comeback” stories. It’s no surprise, then, that the history of the world’s rarest and most ancient dog has stuck with me. For more than 50 years, the New Guinea highland wild dog was thought to be extinct. But in the 2010s, a few reported sightings led researchers to take…
Read MoreMarketing for Financial Advisors – Your Questions Answered
We received a surprising amount of feedback following our September blog about advisor marketing, so we’re back with a sequel. In these video responses (most are under 2 minutes), you’ll find answers to common questions we hear from financial advisors about how to refine their marketing activities to build and retain client relationships. Our source…
Read MoreQ&A: How Financial Advisors Can Build Better Marketing Programs
There’s a perception that all financial advisors offer the exact same service (or, for that matter, all asset managers, plumbers, architects, etc.). Changing perception for your practice requires building a reputation, a brand, a marketing program. Toward that end, our firm hosted a webinar earlier this year with our friends Corey Keating and Ryan Stark,…
Read MoreThe Sweet Spot Between Robo-Advice & The Dinosaurs
It took some painful contortions in the markets this year for many financial advisors to realize robo-advisors may not be as diversified and risk-managed as they claim. At Blueprint Investment Partners, we believe there is a “sweet spot” between the rudimentary machinations of a robo-advisor and a more traditional asset allocation method. In fact, we’ve…
Read More‘CliffsNotes’ For Financial Advisors
A confession: Without CliffsNotes, I may not have made it through high school…or college. In fact, until just recently, I actually thought it was “CliffNotes” (no “s”) – but I digress. If you’re like me, these very valuable summaries are extremely helpful and efficient. With that in mind, I wanted to share three takeaways from…
Read MoreHow To Benchmark Your Financial Advisor Practice
Are you a top financial advisors? A new quiz helps you compare your practice to a standard in operational performance. The result? A better understanding of your areas of strength and opportunity in just a few minutes. We are all creatures of comparison, constantly looking to find meaning by contrasting one thing against another. And…
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