Blueprint Publishes Playbook for Top Financial Advisors

August 4, 2020

Download ‘The Elite Advisor Playbook’

As financial advisors experience immense pressure to provide value to their clients and differentiate themselves from others, including robo-advisors, Blueprint Investment Partners has published “The Elite Advisors Playbook” to share an operational framework for top financial advisors. Additional companion resources are available to help advisors apply the strategies and tactics of the Playbook to their own practices.

“In the modern world, we think top financial advisors must constantly focus on how to improve efficiency and scale their services. The byproduct of doing so is improved profit margins and lower client attrition,” says Blueprint Investment Partners CEO and Co-Founder Jon Robinson. “There are a lot of smart, hard-working advisors out there, but this is not enough considering the sea changes that began with the Great Recession in 2008 and reached a crescendo with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The objective of the Playbook is to define what it means to be a top financial advisor and offer guidance for taking the steps we think are necessary to achieve elite status.”

The Playbook identifies four pillars to being a top financial advisor, as well as illustrates strategies and tactics that we think elite advisors demonstrate within each area:

  1. Client service
  2. Practice management
  3. Wealth management
  4. Business development

The Playbook’s companion resources include:

  • A quiz that helps advisors better understand their personal areas of strength and opportunity by compare their practice to a standard in operational performance
  • How-to articles offering actually-practical advice related to each of the four pillars

“Blueprint’s core client is the independent financial advisor,” adds Robinson. “They tend to be planning-focused, tech-savvy, and very entrepreneurial, as many either started as an independent or broke away from a wirehouse. Over the years, we have developed institutional knowledge about the behaviors, tactics, and strategies employed by the most effective advisors – advisors we think are worthy of being called ‘elite.’ With ‘The Elite Advisor Playbook,’ we sought to capture those repeatable attributes and share them with advisors who are thirsty for long-term success.”

About Blueprint Investment Partners

Blueprint Investment Partners is an asset manager and pioneer in the creation of systematic, process-driven, and transparent investment strategies for financial advisors and institutions. The firm was founded on a management philosophy honed by its co-founders during the 2008 financial crisis. Blueprint Investment Partners applies a rules-based approach to both asset class and time diversification, instilling discipline and removing human bias during emotionally charged market environments. The firm offers a suite of distinct global investment portfolios that are distinguished by their risk tolerance or ESG objectives, with the models delivered as separately managed account strategies and a mutual fund.

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