Joe Crawford, Blueprint Investment Partners Director of Operations
A Systematic Walk
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Joe Crawford

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Moneyball, Trend Following & Left-Handed Batting

Moneyball, Trend Following & Left-Handed Batting

We are big fans of Moneyball and share the mindset of using data to make more rational decisions. We also enjoy using lateral thinking to translate, in relatable terms, our investment process and thinking around risk management. Sports provide us with a particularly fertile environment to do that.

Of all major U.S. sports, I think none has a vaster treasure trove of data than baseball. Perhaps it is no coincidence then that our national pastime depends heavily on data to make tactical decisions.

Major League Baseball’s Fall Classic got me thinking about an interesting corollary between effective hitting and an adaptive approach to asset management.

Trend Following: An Exit on the Highway to the Danger Zone

Category: Systematic Investing
Baseball batter and catcher

Moneyball, Trend Following & Left-Handed Batting