Watch Webinar: The Next Generation of Liquid Alts

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Reconsidering The 60 & The 40 Webinar Overview

Blueprint Investment Partners hosted a live panel discussion with Bob Elliott of Unlimited Funds, Corey Hoffstein of Newfound Research, and legendary Turtle Trader Jerry Parker of Chesapeake Capital Corporation.

Learn about the next generation of liquid alts from some of the biggest names in the space. Their innovative strategies provide access to markets and strategies previously unavailable to most investors and financial advisors.


Bob Elliott

Bob Elliott

CEO and CIO of Unlimited Funds. Portfolio Manager, HFND.

Corey Hoffstein

Corey Hoffstein

CIO of Newfound Research. Portfolio Manager, RSST, RSBT.

Jerry Parker

Jerry Parker

CEO and Co-Founder of Chesapeake Capital Corporation. Portfolio Manager, TFPN.

If you’d like to discuss the role liquid alternatives could play in your client portfolios